This is a list of active members of AZTA and where they teach.
Please be aware that not every authorized Zen teacher is a member of AZTA.

The table is sorted by Last Name
You can also click on a header field in order to sort by it.
For US use two letter abbreviation when searching (filtering) by State.

Last Namesort ascending First Name Center City State Country Lineage Zen Order
Cutts Jiko Linda Ruth

San Francisco Zen Center Green Gulch Farm

Muir Beach CA USA Soto Zen Shunryu Suzuki Lineage
Cutts Jiko Linda Ruth

San Francisco Zen Center Tassajara Zen Mountain Center

Carmel Valley CA USA Soto Zen Shunryu Suzuki Lineage
Costenbader Amy Kisei

Mud Lotus Sangha

Columbus OH USA Soto Zen - White Plum Asanga White Plum Asanga
Cortes Helen

Tulsa Zen Sangha

Tulsa OK USA Harada-Yasutani Harada-Yasutani
Cortes Helen

Maria Kannon Zen Center

Dallas TX USA Harada-Yasutani Harada-Yasutani
Cooper Seiso

Realizational Practice Studies

Montpelier VT USA Soto Zen
Cooper Seiso

Zen Buddhist Meditation Circle

Barre VT USA Soto Zen
Conover Kodo

Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple

Portland OR USA Soto Zen, White Plum Asanga
Connelly Ben

Minnesota Zen Meditation Center

Minneapolis MN USA Soto Zen
Collins Richard

New Orleans Zen Temple

New Orleans LA USA Deshimaru
Clay Jyoshin

Dharma Rain Zen Center

Portland OR USA Soto Zen Dharma Cloud Lineage
Cicetti Raymond

Empty Bowl Zendo

Morristown NJ USA Soto Zen White Plum
Christofferson Taido Richard

Kanzeon Zen Center

Salt Lake City UT USA Soto Zen
Christensen Anna

Ordinary Mind Zendo

NY NY USA Soto Zen Ordinary Mind Zen School
Child Simon

Western Chan Fellowship

London n/a UK Linji-Caodong Dharma Drum
Chayat Shinge Roko

Dai Bosatsu Zendo Kongo-Ji

Livingston Manor NY USA Rinzai Zen
Chayat Shinge Roko

Zen Center of Syracuse

Syracuse NY USA Rinzai Zen
Chayat Shinge Roko

New York Zendo Shobo-Ji

New York NY USA Rinzai Zen
Carlson Gyokuko

Dharma Rain Zen Center

Portland OR USA Soto Zen
Campbell Chodo

New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care

New York NY USA Soto Zen
Cain Christopher

Puget Sound Zen Center

Vashon WA USA Rinzai Zen
Cabotaje Alice

Empty Cloud Zen

Marblehead MA USA
Bush Ryushin Fugan Eugene

Santa Cruz Zen CenterWarm Jewel Temple

Santa Cruz CA USA Soto Zen
Burnett Nomon Tim

Red Cedar Zen Community

Bellingham WA USA Soto Zen
Burkett Zentetsu Tim

Minnesota Zen Meditation Center

Minneapolis MN USA Soto Zen
Burk Domyo

Bright Way Zen

Portland OR USA Dharma Cloud lineage
Bunce Renshin

Beginner’s Mind Zen

Eureka CA USA Soto Zen
Brown Edward

Peaceful Sea Sangha

Fairfax CA USA Soto Zen
Brown Chōbun Nenzen Pamela

Jikoji Zen Center

Los Gatos CA USA Phoenix Cloud Lineage
Briggs Barry

Cochise Zen Center

Bisbee AZ USA Kwan Um School of Zen Kwan Um School of Zen
Boyd Merle Kodo

Lincroft Zen Sangha

Lincroft NJ USA Soto Zen White Plum Asangha
Boissevain Angie

Floating Zendo

Los Gatos CA USA Soto Zen
Bobrow Joseph

Deep Streams Zendo

San Francisco CA USA Diamond Sangha
Bloodgood Mark Shōgen

San Luis Obispo Zen Circle

Los Osos CA USA Soto White Plum Asanga
Bland Tony

Starkville Zen Dojo

Starkville MS USA Soto Zen
Blackman Bruce Seiryu

Zen Community of BaltimoreClare Sangha

Reisterstown MD USA Soto Zen White Plum Sangha
Blacker Melissa Myozen

Boundless Way Zen

Worcester MA USA Soto Zen
Bishop Mitra

Mountain Gate

Ojo Sarco NM USA Kapleau line
Bishop Mitra

Hidden Valley Zen Center

San Marcos CA USA Kapleau line
Birx Charles

New River Zen Community

Blacksburg VA United States White Plum (Maezumi) White Plum
Birx Ellen Jikai

New River Zen Community

Blacksburg VA United States Soto Zen
Birnbaum Myoen

Bay Zen Center

Oakland CA USA Soto and Rinzai White Plum
Bertelsen Choan (Denko)

Buddhist Society of Denmark

7470 Karup J. Denmark Denmark Rinzai Zen
Bennage P. Dai-En

Mt. Equity Zendo, Jiho-Ji

Pennsdale PA USA Soto Zen
Bays Chozen

Zen Community of Oregon

Clatskanie OR USA Soto Zen
Bays Hogen

Great Vow Zen Monastery

Clatskanie OR USA White Plum
Bays Hogen

Zen Community of Oregon

Clatskanie OR USA Soto Zen
Bays Jan Chozen

Great Vow Zen Monastery

Clatskanie OR USA White Plum
Bassis Kinrei

Berkeley Buddhist Priory

Albany CA USA Soto Zen Order of Buddhist Contemplatives
Bartholomew Tom Chigen

Citrus Zen

Redlands CA USA Soto Zen White Plum Asanga
