This is a list of active members of AZTA and where they teach.
Please be aware that not every authorized Zen teacher is a member of AZTA.

The table is sorted by Last Name
You can also click on a header field in order to sort by it.
For US use two letter abbreviation when searching (filtering) by State.

Last Name First Name Center City State Countrysort descending Lineage Zen Order
Tisdale Sallie Jiko

Dharma Rain Zen Center

Portland OR USA Dharma Cloud Order
Gak Dae

Furnace Mountain Zen Retreat Center

Clay City KY USA Korean Chogye
Merrill Misha Shungen

Zen Heart Sangha

Woodside CA USA Soto Zen
Kessel Ken

Chogye International Zen Center of NY

New York NY USA Korean Chogye Kwan Um School of Zen
Kaye Les

Kannon Do Zen Meditation Center

Mountain View CA USA Soto Zen
Cicetti Raymond

Empty Bowl Zendo

Morristown NJ USA Soto Zen White Plum
Ponce-Barger Inryu Bobbi

All Beings Zen Sangha

Washington DC USA Soto Shunryu Suzuki Roshi
Emerson Dōjin Sarah

Stone Creek Zen Center

Sebastopol CA USA Soto Zen Suzuki lineage
Cabotaje Alice

Empty Cloud Zen

Marblehead MA USA
Nguyen Anh Huong

Mindfulness Community of WDC

Oakton VA USA Vietnamese Order of Interbeing
Cooper Seiso

Zen Buddhist Meditation Circle

Barre VT USA Soto Zen
Bobrow Joseph

Deep Streams Zendo

San Francisco CA USA Diamond Sangha
Rieck Joan

Three Treasures Sangha of the Sandias

Bernalillo NM USA Sanbo Kyodan
Munnich Teijo

Knoxville Interfaith Meditation Group

Knoxville TN USA Soto Zen
Silberberg Daniel Doen

Lost Coin Zen Groups

San Francisco CA USA Soto Zen Maezumi Roshi
Mason Andrew

Ring of Bone

Portland OR USA Sanbō Kyōdan Diamond Sangha
Kwang Dae

Providence Zen Center

Cumberland RI USA Korean Chogye Kwanum Zen School
Connelly Ben

Minnesota Zen Meditation Center

Minneapolis MN USA Soto Zen
Shrobe Wu Kwang Richard

Chogye International Zen Center

New York NY USA Korean Chogye Kwan Um Zen School
Hoeberichts Joan

Heart Circle Sangha

Ridgewood NJ USA White Plum Asanga
Boyd Merle Kodo

Lincroft Zen Sangha

Lincroft NJ USA Soto Zen White Plum Asangha
Feng Anita

Blue Heron Zen Community

Seattle WA USA Korean Zen Golden Wind
Lundquist Haju

Zen Buddhist Temple

Ann Arbor MI USA Korean Chogye
Conover Kodo

Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple

Portland OR USA Soto Zen, White Plum Asanga
Kiera Eileen

Mountain Lamp Community

Deming WA USA Vietnamese Order of Interbeing
Leighton Taigen Dan

Ancient Dragon Zen Gate

Chicago IL USA Soto Zen
Rapaport Al Fusho

Open Mind Zen Meditation Center

Melbourne FL USA Soto Zen White Plum
Larson Kristen

No Sangha (North Olympic Sangha)

Port Angeles WA USA Diamond Sangha
Weik Jay

Buddhist Temple of Toledo

Toledo OH USA Harada Yasutani/Soto Zen
Dungay Jody

Dharma Rain Zen Center

Portland OR USA Soto Zen
Roen Kodo Noah

Upaya Zen Center

Santa Fe NM USA White Plum Asanga Prajna Mountain Buddhist Order
Halifax Joan

Upaya Zen Center

Santa Fe NM USA Soto Zen
Magid Barry

The Ordinary Mind Zendo

New York NY USA Soto Zen Ordinary Mind Zen School
Anderson Tenshin Reb

San Francisco Zen Center Tassajara Zen Mountain Center

Carmel Valley CA USA Soto Zen
Shonkwiler Cornelia Junfu

Middle Way Zen | San Jose Zendo

San Jose CA USA Soto Zen
Syverson Margaret Bushin Koan


Austin TX USA Soto Zen Suzuki-Roshi
Bays Jan Chozen

Great Vow Zen Monastery

Clatskanie OR USA White Plum
Strong Nona USA Sanbo Zen Empty Cloud
Dobisz Bon Yeon Jane

Cambridge Zen Center

Cambridge MA USA Korean Chogye Kwanum Zen School
Jones Meiko

Portland Buddhist Priory

Portland OR USA Soto Zen Order of Buddhist Contemplatives
Leighton Taigen Dan

Mountain Source Sangha (S.R.)

San Rafael CA USA Soto Zen
Postal Susan Ji-on

Empty Hand Zen Center

New Rochelle NY USA Soto Zen Suzuki-roshi lineage
Keegan Myozan Dennis

Moon Water Sangha

Montclair NJ USA Soto Zen
Chayat Shinge Roko

New York Zendo Shobo-Ji

New York NY USA Rinzai Zen
Bassis Kinrei

Berkeley Buddhist Priory

Albany CA USA Soto Zen Order of Buddhist Contemplatives
Dreher Koji

Austin Zen Center

Austin TX USA Soto Shunryu Suzuki
Kennedy Robert

Morning Star Zendo

Jersey City NJ USA Soto Zen
Bartholomew Tom Chigen

Citrus Zen

Redlands CA USA Soto Zen White Plum Asanga
Senauke Alan

Berkeley Zen Center

Berkeley CA USA Soto Zen
Seidenberg Kenzan

Shao Shan Temple

East Calais VT USA Soto Zen
